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Week #11

Experiments and coding

  • After the observation of the overfitting in the network after training, I decide to increase the weight decay.
Number Data source Training Sample epoch of training Batch size learning rate cropped size momentum Weight decay Mimimum loss attained the result
01 KITTI 160 20 8 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256 0.9 0.0005 0.608 good
02 KITTI 160 100 8 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256 0.9 0.0005 0.612 good
03 KITTI 160 20 12 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256 0.9 0.0005 0.617 good
04 KITTI 480 10 1 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 300 0.9 0.0005 0.604 good
05 KITTI 160 10 1 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 original size 0.9 0.0005 0.595 good
06 KITTI 160 10 2 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256,1024 0.9 0.0005 0.601 good
07 KITTI 160 10 2 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256,1024 0.9 0.005 0.606 good
08 KITTI 160 10 1 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 original size 0.9 0.05 0.685 bad
09 KITTI 160 10 1 0.05, every 5 epoch divided by 5 original size 0.9 0.005 0.614 good
  • Add the pixel mapping for the mask, convert the [0,255] pixel value to classes. For KITTI dataset, found 29 classes in total. And for BMCC dataset, there are 3 classes.

Paper review

Deep Neural Netwoks Segment Neuronal Membrances in Electron Microscopy Images

  • Use a window center one pixel to predict the class of this pixel, i.e. a patch based image Segmentation
  • Use Foveation and nonuniform sampling to disregard the fine details and the margin part of the window
  • Use several networks with different architecture and average the output of these networks
  • Win the ISBI challenge 2012
  • It’s slow because for every patch the network must run separately
  • There is a trade-off between the localization information and the context information, i.e. if the patch size is bigger, the context information is larger while need more max-pooling layers, which reduce the localization information.

My understand of the image segmentation

Image classification

Goal: Given an image, assign a class label to the image.

Image segmentation

Goal: Give an image, assign a mask to the image. The mask represents the score value for every pixel in the image. i.e. The image segmentation problem can be considered as the pixel classification promblem.

MRI images received

Received 330 cases of MRI images. The next step should be playing with the real project.