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Week #10

  • Try to normalize the data (mean subtraction and normalization) and then feed the CNN. The loss doesn’t decrease, and the visualization of the image segmentation after training is as same as before.
  • The ground truth mask for the image’s size is the same as the input image, I’m trying to do a mapping of the data to class, But the dataset doesn’t provide the data mapping, so I tried another dataset called BMCC dataset, which only has 3 classes.
Number Data source Training Sample epoch of training Batch size learning rate cropped size momentum Mimimum loss attained
01 KITTI 480 20 1 0.25, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256 0.9 0.663
02 KITTI 480 20 1 0.25, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256 0.9 0.611
03 KITTI 480 100 1 0.005, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256 0.9 0.616
04 KITTI 480 20 4 0.005, every 5 epoch divided by 5 256 0.9 0.613

one example:

Image groundtruth predicted mask

Question: I don’t understand in my all experiments, the loss doesn’t decrease but after training, the visualization of the predicted mask is similar to the groundtruth.

  • Paper review of VNet:
    • 3D image segmentation, input the 3d whole volume at once 128x128x64 voxel
    • Novel objective function, which is based on Dice coefficient to balance the foreground and background
    • Augment the data applying random non-linear transformations and histogram matching.
    • use residual and unet Architecture
    • Trained on 50 prostate MRI volumes and relative manual ground truth annotation from PROMISE2012 challenge dataset. (48h)
    • momentum 0.99, initial learning rate 0.001, decrease by on order of magnitude every 25k iteration
    • Test on 30 MRI volumes

Next step

  • Implement VNet, DenseBlock using Pytorch